Air refilling station Diving Club Marsvinet Lillebælt
Diving Club Marsvinet Lillebælt
We are a very active club located at Middelfart Gl. Havn and thus have a 1. class location with direct access to one of Denmark's most popular diving spots - Lillebælt. Our club has room for all kinds of diving and guests are always welcome.
We have many different activities both in and above the water:
We have a club night every Tuesday
2 day trips in weekends every month
We often organize activities where one's family also have opportunities to participate and take every year at Whitsun trip with the whole family, where both diving and a relaxed atmosphere is a priority.
We have in the club over a 30 foot Starlet motorboat.
We have a RIB (inflatable boat) Prosafe 90 hp. Outboard motor.
Bauer compressor with 4 outlets.
Air Bank and Continox plant.
Club Night every Tuesday from kl. 19.00.
Skipper tours on weekends every 1. Saturday and 3. Sunday of the month.
For membership, instruction or guest dives, please contact chairman:
Søren Nielsen
Tlf.: +45 31 39 22 38
Poul Erik Rasmussen
+45 51 95 14 11