The Culture Route 100 km
Middelfart - Emtekær - Harndrup - Middelfart
If you like to go for long rides through beautiful scenery, then this route is for you. It follows regional routes 70, 71 and 30 and takes you past Gamborg Inlet, Føns Cove, Tybrind Cove, Båring Cove and small villages on Funen. The route runs along the cost at Gamborg Inlet, Føns Cove and Tybrind Cove before turning inland and passing through some of the small towns. In Middelfart, the Hindsgavl Peninsula is worth a visit. Today, the Hindsgavl Peninsula is a nature park with a 165 ha fenced-off deer park and a nature and activity centre. Hindsgavl Manor, which was built in the 1700s, is also situated here. The history of Hindsgavl Manor dates as far back as 1295 when Valdemar Sejr built Hindsgavl Castle on the Hindsgavl Peninsula.
Gamborg Inlet is part of the EU Little Belt habitat area and an internationally protected bird sanctuary. An organised guild in Middelfart, whose history dates back to 1593, hunted common porpoises in Gamborg Inlet. The guild was dissolved in 1898. In the views of many people, the Brænde River valley is one of the most varied and scenic areas on Funen. This is where you find Håre Bjerge with a number of preserved grave mounds dating back to the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Brænde Mill was originally built in the 1500s to generate power from
Brænde River. Bring your bathers – there are many attractive beaches along the way. Enjoy the beaches at Båring Cove or continue to Strib Nordstrand.
- KulturØen
- Sct. Nicolai Church
- Gl. Havn
- Middelfart Museum
- Gågade
- CLAY Ceramic Museum
- Nature Reserve Hindsgavl Dyrehave
- Galleri Hindhede
- Bridgewalking
- Mindelund for britiske flyvere
- Søbadet
- Hindsgavl Slot
- Huset
- Psykiatrisk Museum
- Middelfart Marina
- Gamborg Church
- Natur- og vildtreservat
- Fønsvang Sø
- Tybrind
- Ørslev Bjerg
- Husby Beach
- Adlerhus
- Husby Church
- Sdr. Åby
- Tanderup Church
- Brende Mølle
- Mindesten
- Brænde Ådal
- Rørup Kirke
- Aalsbogaard Lystfiskersøer
- Fjeldsted Speedway Center
- Humlemagasinet
- Ore Kirke
- Flensted Mobiler
- Kasmose Skov
- Røjleskov Church
- Røjle Klint
- Strib Nordstrand
- Strib Fyr
- Strib Bådehavn
- Strib Kirke
- Strib Automobilmuseum
Hindsgavl Slot
Comwell kongebrogaarden
Sinatur Hotel Sixtus
Hotel Borgmestergården
Hotel Park
Comwell Middelfart
Bed & breakfast:
Røjlegaard Bed & Breakfast
Martin Tornøe
Bro humlegaard Bed & Breakfast
Føns Bed & Breakfast
Lindegården Bed & Breakfast
Gl. Strandvejs B&B
Ann Kloster Bed & breakfast
Kathrinelyst B&B
By the Bridge B&B
Kålsbjergvejens Bed & breakfast
Camp sites:
Vejlby Fed Camping
Båring vig Feriepark - Skovlund Camping
Ronæs Strand Camping
Hindsgavl Camping
Galsklint Camping
Nature camp sites:
Under "Links" at the bottom of the page you will find a link to the route in Naviki. Here you can register as a user, after which you can enter the route and save it under "my routes". Then you can download the Naviki app and open up and find the route under "my routes" to follow the route. If you need GPX files for GPS, follow the link to the route map and download it from there.