Kongebroroute 9,6 km
The route starts at Middelfart Stadium, Adlerhusvej 3, 5500 Middelfart, where you walk under the railway tunnel and over Brovejen. Continue through the forest, along the open field, down Hindsgavl Allé and behind the castle courtyard down to the edge of the meadow area 'Sudden'. Through the plantation with many different large coniferous trees, past the forest lake and out onto the road by Gals Klint Camping. By Galsklint, the route goes right along the water's edge, where you also pass Vasnæs Batteri. After the old Søbad (sea swimming baths), the route swings up into the forest and goes under the Old Lillebælt Bridge and continues along Dyrehavn (Deer Park) and past Kongebrogården along the coast. By Grimmerhus, you walk up alongside the cemetery and down a charming path back to the stadium.
See Links section for map.