Route 2: Båring Vig ca. 5,0 km
Båring Vig about 5.0 km.
Parking at Båring Forsamlingshus at Middelfartvej.
Follow Lykkegårdsvej to the farm Løkkegård on top of the hill and continue along the field road. Turn left onto Sommerlandsvej and then right onto Skyttevej . Follow the gravel road straight ahead in the turn and keep right when the road splits. Turn left over the small Ørredbæk (a small creek) before reaching the beach. Follow the beautiful path through beech forest past an old "amphitheatre" and a small forest lake and further on to Skovgyden. Turn left and go up to the intersection at Middelfartvej. Turn left and walk back to the parking area.
The path consists of gravel-/field roads, soft forest road and some moderately busy paved road. It is very diverse and beautiful. The area is a very beautiful cultural and natural landscape with a stunning view.
There is a great opportunity to combine the trip with a sea bathing and rest on benches along the coastline.
There is opportunity for various variations of the route, if necessary, by parking at Skyttevej.
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