Teglgårdsparken - A city within a city
Already upon arrival you sense the strict symmetry in this construction..
"Lunatic Asylum in Middelfart", which was the official name until 1911, was built from 1884-88 by the building inspector William Valdemar Pedersen. The city within the city was self-sufficient in a.o.private gas and waterworks. In a park of 36 hectares, he placed a grandiose strictly symmetrical axis fixed installation in sober Italian Renaissance and rich in detail. The construction consisting of 21 buildings clustered around a main building that housed the administration, chapel, ballroom and doctor's residence.
Other buildings in the complex's central axis housed the various finance functions. On each side were patient buildings: to one side the men, the other side for the women. The only buildings that is not subordinate to this scheme, was the epidemic department and the chapel, both of which were pulled off the main construction. Later some additional buildings was built, including staff housing and tuberculosis station, which were grouped around the original complex and partly respected the original layout.
The place is now a thriving small city within a city with modern businesses, residences, schools, government and educational institutions.
Psychiatric Collection (Psychiatric Museum)
Psychiatric Collection is housed in Teglgårdsparken, in one of the previous patient buildings in Middelfart Old Mental Hospital. It shows an interesting exhibition about the life and conditions in the institution from its inception in 1888 until decommissioning in 1999. The beautiful surroundings overlooking Fænøsund was carefully thought into the contemporary treatment of the mentally ill, as a way to keep the mind calm. The museum is a fascinating journey into the everyday life and conditions for patients and staff, built in one of the old departments. Here you can see the instruments, furniture from bed rooms and living rooms, clothing, etc.
Authentic experience with sound effects
When you walk around the exhibition, the integrated sounds provide a very authentic experience of the museum. The sound effects are recorded in collaboration with former patients.