Cykel på gade i Middelfart

Cycling routes 0-10 km

Photo: VM

Overview of cycling routes that are up to 10 km long. Even the least experienced of cyclists can manage these. These routes will take you through the scenic nature and rolling hills of the Middelfart area, so an unforgettable ride is guaranteed.

Clover Path Green - 2,5 km
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Clover Path Green - 2,5 km

The Green Route takes you on a historical walk through Middelfart.

Explore the heritage of Middelfart: The old harbor, the old shipyard “Lillebæltsværftet”, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, the Po...

Clover Path Blue - 5 km
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Clover Path Blue - 5 km

Kulturøen - Teglgårdsparken

Stretching from coast to coast in Middelfart. The route combines natural beauty with cultural experiences and brings you past Gl. Havn where you can get on a boat trip, fis...

Clover Path Red - 7,5 km
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Clover Path Red - 7,5 km

KulturØen - Middelfart Marina

On this route you will understand the recent history of Middelfart, with the industry and suburban areas. You cycle past Middelfart Marina, which is hosting international ...

Banesti (Old railroad track) 4,2 km
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Banesti (Old railroad track) 4,2 km

A walking and cycling route from Middelfart to Røjle/Vejlby

From Coast to Coast 5 km
Photo: Tom Nielsen

From Coast to Coast 5 km

Kulturøen - Teglgårdsparken

Between KulturØen and Teglgårdsparken, the route follows the blue clover path and takes you from coast to coast in Middelfart. This route is ideal for people who want to e...

Fresh country air and beaches 6 km
Photo: Tom Nielsen

Fresh country air and beaches 6 km

Svenstrup - Vejlbyfed

The route from Svenstrup to Vejlby Fed meanders through the countryside with open fields and small villages. Take a break in Vejlby and enjoy the beautiful church. Vejlby is a s...

Middelfart Marina - 7,6 km
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Middelfart Marina - 7,6 km

The trip from KulturØen to Middelfart Marina follows the red clover path. Along the way you gain insight into Middelfart’s recent history including industry and residential suburbs. The iron foundry J...


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