Bike Friends and Hike Friends in Middelfart
A helping hand on your bike trip is never far away. There are certified BikeFriends at many locations in Middelfart where you can borrow a pump and a puncture repair kit if you get a flat tyre.
Bike Friends og Hike Friends
En Bike Friend tilbyder dig som minimum muligheden for at: Låne toilettet eller få oplysninger om det nærmeste toilet, fylde din vandflaske eller låne pumpe til din cykel.
En Hike Friend tilbyder dig som minimum muligheden for at: Låne toilettet eller få oplysninger om det nærmeste toilet og fylde din vandflaske
Nogle Bike og Hike Friends har udvidet hjælpen til: Mulighed for at oplade elcykler, salg af nye cykelslanger, lån af lappegrej, adgang til en bikestation med værktøj og ophæng til cyklen, salg af snacks og forfriskninger og adgang til bænke som hvile- og madpakkested
Du kan kende de hjælpsomme Bike og Hike Friends på de gule og grønne Bike og Hike Friends-skilte på din rute eller finde den nærmeste Bike eller Hike Friend på kortet her.
You can borrow tools, use the toilet and refill your water bottle at our BikeFriends partners. You can also get local tips for your bike trip or a cycling map showing routes in the town and its local area.
CLAY Museum of Ceramic art - Bike og Hike Friends
CLAY is Denmark's Museum of Ceramic Art. This museum is a cultural pitstop for cyclists, with an impressive view of the Little Belt, unique ceramic art and creative crafts exhibits and an attractive s...
SAMSTED - Bike og Hike Friends
Samsted is a cosy bike-friendly place for overnight stays in the north west of Funen.
Tanderup Church - Bike and Hike Friends
Originally, Tanderup Church was a Romanesque granite church, constructed from granite blocks. Remnants of the old church can be seen on the north side, where traces of Romanesque windows and a door ar...
Katrinelyst B&B - Bike and Hike Friends
A beautifully located farm, close to water, golf courses, as well as hiking and cycling routes.
Gamborgen Kultur- og Friluftshus - Bike and Hike Friends
Located in the heart of Gamborg, a small village close to Gamborg Fjord.